I’m 42 years of age and I’ve been coaching baseball players as a professional for 21 years. Today, my life mantra is to "live on purpose." Purpose is a reason for doing something. What's your …
Are you as good as you say you are?
“Talk is cheap and everybody can afford it.” That old saying still rings true. Here we are in August, more commonly known to my clients as the official start of fall baseball season. This is the time …
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Winter is coming — Your guide to winter training
It's almost here. No, really it is. The time to prepare for your winter training starts now. For my hitters, the winter (November-January) is the time to build habits and strength. Remember, there are …
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Being and becoming
This is going to be a challenging blog for most people because I will make pitches that many will swing and miss at and some will hit out of the park. Do you love who you are right now? Is there a …
12 tough questions you need to ask to get ahead of stress
Stress tests the best of us. It can be physical, mental or emotional. The most skilled people are able to handle stress very well. Pilots. Surgeons. Freddie Freeman (my favorite MLB hitter). These …
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How to avoid July’s lies
ON OCCASION, WE ALL TELL LIES to ourselves so that we can remain hopeful about our future. July is the final month of the summer baseball season. Travel baseball teams of varying ages from all over …