Success doesn't just happen without a plan of action. It is so much easier to build a building after you have inspected the property and laid the foundation. As the spring baseball season draws …
CJ Stewart’s AT-BATS™ Academy sets players up to succeed
AT-BATS™ is the signature methodology developed by CJ Stewart for Diamond Directors clients. With the launch of new and innovative program, AT-BATS™ is now an academy as well. This academy is …
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Building from the ground up
"What gets measured gets improved.” What happens prior to building a building? You must inspect the ground and make sure that you’re building in a non-hazardous area. You also must till the ground …
Operating on all cylinders starts now
One of the major things that separates professional hitters from amateurs is the ability to practice. In the next 100 days, many of you will see your first pitch in a game situation. Your ability …
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MLB Draft Update – Meet Diamond Directors’ draftee Brandon Thomas
Brandon will reach “The Show” because his makeup – discipline, work ethic, resilience, etc. – has been tested. When the final name was called in the 2012 MLB draft, our Diamond Directors’ program …
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Your eyes don’t lie
“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” – Henri Bergson I was very fortunate to play baseball at the professional level. If I could do it all over again, I would watch more …