What is it about big leaguers that make them big leaguers? They obviously are the best in baseball, but what is the common DNA? Is what they do contagious? Big leaguers realize that they play a …
3 things every hitter should think while on deck
All hitters want to get hits – and lots of them. Hits are the standard by which all hitters determine their value. And while I agree that hits are the desired outcome, I also realize that getting a …
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Why spring means it’s time to heat up your habits
In my home state of Georgia, it's spring time. And that means it's getting hot. The question for all you baseball players is, "Will you get hot this spring? My hitters follow a yearly pattern …
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Why education, not motivation, is what today’s hitters need
Three strikes and you're out. That's the mantra many of us think of when we think about the game of baseball. But what about taking a more positive approach – It only takes one swing of the bat to hit …
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You can call me coach
What a privilege it is to be called coach. Doctors go through extensive learning and practice before they are called "doc." It should be the same for coaches. There soon will be a day when coaches …
3 things every coach should know about hitting
I recently had someone ask me the three things that every coach should teach about hitting. That's a very powerful question with lots of key words. Before I share my answer, let's discuss the three …
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