I love summer baseball because you get the opportunity to play the best from all over the country. The summer also is a time when many aspiring baseball players quit and move on to other sports. I …
Making summer baseball work for you
A benefit to being a Diamond Directors' clients is that summertime is the time to reap the harvest of seeds sown all the way back in the fall: Fall: August through October – Assessment Winter: …
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Why you should dream the biggest dream – and then live it
I'm confused by parents whose actions don't match their words. Dad: Son, what do you want to do when you grow up? Son: I want to play Major League Baseball. Dad: But less than 1 percent of …
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How to be ‘Big League’ intelligent
What is it about big leaguers that make them big leaguers? They obviously are the best in baseball, but what is the common DNA? Is what they do contagious? Big leaguers realize that they play a …
3 things every hitter should think while on deck
All hitters want to get hits – and lots of them. Hits are the standard by which all hitters determine their value. And while I agree that hits are the desired outcome, I also realize that getting a …
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3 sure-fire (simple) ways you can improve your game now
We are blessed to have such great high school baseball in the metro Atlanta area ¬ and the world knows it. Many of our nationally ranked high school teams have at least two pitchers who throw in the …
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