It is July and Travel teams are starting to hold tryouts for the new season. The "July Lie," as I call it, for a lot of players and their families is that being selected by the best team means they …
Your 3-step plan for maintaining your swing development
To maintain is to keep something going. My hitters start the fourth phase of their swing development in August and it ends the following July. In order to keep something going, you must first "get …
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I have set my life goals. Have you?
I have people on my team who will put me in check when I flex. The Urban Dictionary defines flexing as acting as if you are more, or have more, than what really exists. People often flex in order …
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Why teamwork begins — and ends — with you
I recently watched a local high school JROTC Drill Team perform and it taught me something. As I watched the 12-15 students perform with heavy rifles in hand, I prayed that nobody dropped theirs. …
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3 things every college coach looks for in their players
Millions of high school age males want to compete as a baseball player at the collegiate level but have no idea what it takes to make it happen. I asked two of my friends a simple question and their …
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3 movements to maintain strength this summer
Although a good strength and conditioning program would include more, these are three exercises I feel are essential to a good program for baseball players. Squat — In terms of developing lower …
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