Development from a coach moves a person from dependence to interdependence and independence. Development is the process of bringing out the capabilities and possibilities of a person. Tragically, in …
5 questions that will help bring your life mission into focus
We all have a reason for being on earth, but many people never discover theirs. My mission is to be significant by serving millions and bringing them into a relationship with Christ, starting with my …
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The key to success: ‘Keep your dreams alive’
Two-time Olympic champion Gail Devers once said, “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. …
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Are you in good hands? It’s a question every hitter needs to ask now
"Are you in good hands?" That famous tagline from Allstate Insurance implicates that assurances are promises made. Insurance is compensation when something goes wrong. Reassurance is the removal of …
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Coaches need good habits, too. Here’s why…
Players must have good hitting habits in order to compete. So, what about coaches? They need good habits, too. As we have discussed, talent is based on things that you do well. Habits are things that …
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The Build Phase is here — Are you ready?
Talent is based on things that you do well. Habits are based on the things that you do well repeatedly without thought. Skills are things that you do well repeatedly without thought while under …
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