What is one of the greatest assets a coach can have today? While things like teaching fundamentals, managing game situations and knowing his players strengths and weaknesses are all important, great …
Being a watchdog on coaching and why it matters to you
The baseball community of baseball is in the millions. Georgia, where I call home, is known as a hotbed for baseball talent. The state is considered rich with talent. Many would say it's because of …
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Why trying ain’t doing
"Trying ain't doing." How many times have you heard that saying? When it comes to making adjustments in your hitting, that's not something you try to do. You must "do it" in order to achieve …
Your 5-step guide to becoming a Major Leaguer
Cues and clues. What are the cues and clues that you will need to become a Major Leaguer? Here are the five I think you need: Awareness Acknowledgement Aptitude Attitude …
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Why teaching is learning twice – and why it must be a priority
Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence is commonly measured using things like the SATs (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Aptitude, which is the key word also is …
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If you own the definition, you own the movement – here’s why
He who owns the definition owns the movement. Focusing on getting a hit is the "Fool's Focus." Fool is defined as unwise. Here are 10 things that I lack knowledge of and am unwise about: …
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