Information is facts learned about something, while knowledge is the information you acquire based on your own experiences. A coach can tell you what it takes to hit a curve ball in a game situation, …
Why trying new things matters to your development
I remember driving a car on the highway for the first time. I was terrified. My driving experience started at an empty parking lot, before I graduated to driving through our neighborhood, on busy …
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Why the ‘Super Seven Statements’ should matter to you
I have had the pleasure of being one of Olivia Hall’s softball hitting coaches since June 23, 2020. A junior shortstop at The Walker School, she crushes balls from the right side and is extremely …
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How the A.C.T.S. Method can help you
What is the best way to handle failure in baseball that happens in the fall? I recommend that you humble yourself and ask for help. To humble yourself is to not think less than of yourself. It is …
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Finding the Black Panther in you
"Black Panther" has become my favorite movie. What is yours? A great movie moves people, inspires them. I aspire to be recognized as one of the greatest coaches to ever live with God receiving the …
Inside the mind of a L.E.A.D. Ambassador turned L.E.A.D. Coach
Before the word Coach was used in sports, it was strictly used as a means of transportation. Being a Coach is more than a title, it is a responsibility and an honor. Charlestavious Brooks was a …
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