Skills pay the bills. What is a skill? Simply put, it's something that you do well repeatedly without thought under stress. In my blogs, I continue to reinforce the importance that having the right …
Why athleticism is not a four-letter word
Some coaches, scouts and fans refer to players as being athletic as if it’s a four-letter profane word. Athleticism is all about being able to think critically and respond quickly. Good athletes do …
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It’s a New Year – Time to get REAL
It’s the end of December and we're days away from a New Year. Is there any better time of year to reflect? I don't think so. As you reflect on what this year has offered, here's my advice for 2018. …
Practice. Play. Perform.
Practice. Play. Perform. These three P’s are separate, yet support each other. Practice Practice involves the systematic and sequential way of doing something that’s simple, so that you can …
Why coaches need coaching
All coaches need coaches. We especially need coaching helping to ensure that we are good at three things that will help you become a great hitter. Players and parents can be coaches best coach when …
Making good habits part of your hitting regimen
A habit is something that can be done repeatedly without thought. A habit can be broken down into three parts: A cue A routine A reward Common reasons that hitters struggle to develop …
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