It is almost time to convert habits to skills. For my hitters, November through January is the time that we build habits and strength. February through April is when we convert habits to skills. You …
Going with the flow
Talent is what you do well. Habits are what you do well repeatedly without thought. Skills are what you do well repeatedly without thought while under stress. Talented hitters go with the flow …
Your 3-step plan for preventing procrastination
Noted self-help author Napoleon Hill once said, “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” This is something …
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It’s tough out there. Are you up for the challenge?
Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi once said that “Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.” The baseball season hasn’t started yet, so the thought of quitting should not be front and center. …
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New Year. New You. Time to Go.
It is a New Year and time for a fresh start. For many baseball players across the US, this is the off-season—time to build repeatable hitting habits and strength. Where and how you build these habits …
Your 2020 goal: Find (and pursue) your purpose
At the end of every year, I reflect on the past year to help me figure out what to focus on for the New Year. In 2019, my church, Elizabeth Baptist Church, committed to being intentional. For me, …
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