This is what is COVID-19 means to me. At some point, we will be playing baseball again. Before you step on the field, there are 19 questions that you should ask of yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) require shallow and fast responses. While Should Ask Questions (SAQs) require responses that are deep and slow. Small fish are caught in shallow water.
- Why do I play baseball?
- What is my short-term (1-5 years) baseball goal?
- What is my short-term (1-5 years) life goal?
- What is my mid-term (6-10 years) baseball goal?
- What is my mid-term (6-10 years) life goal?
- Who are the Top 5 people I trust the most? Why do I trust them?
- Why am I am having a hard time answering these questions?
- How will each of these five people feel if I do not achieve my short- and mid-term baseball and life goals?
- What should each of these five people start doing to help me achieve my short- and mid-term baseball and life goals?
- What should each of these five people stop doing to help me achieve my short- and mid-term baseball and life goals?
- What do I worry about?
- What do I dream about?
- What are my Top 5 good habits?
- What are my Top 5 bad habits?
- Who are five people who look up to me as a positive role model?
- What is the most recent challenge that I accepted?
- What is the most recent challenge that I avoided?
- What am I doing every day to become a better baseball player?
- What am I doing every day to become a better person?
Here is a Skill Build Drill that you can execute for 1,000 reps within the next 10 days.
Diamond Directors — Skill Build Drill | Wall Drill Finish
To help keep your skills sharp, we have introduced a new type of Skill Build—our Virtual Skill Build, where I can help you develop hitting skills anytime, anywhere using anything. Check it out.
Remember: Intelligence tops being smart.
For more information, visit www.diamonddirectors.com today. Also, check out our Digital Magazine.
C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an area scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 12 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and track record of success that can work for you.
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