It’s human nature to want quick fixes – a pill, a shot, a shake – something that requires little effort but delivers extraordinatry results. There are some things in life that will allow you to “just get by”, unfortunately, baseball is not one of them. So for all of you who are looking for the magic wand fix, please stop reading this blog immediately as it may cause you undue stress for which I have no pill, shot, or shake to relieve you from.
For those of you who still believe in hard work, thanks for sticking around.
So the formula. What is it? The good news is that it’s not something mystic and unattainable. It does take hard work and since we eliminated the slackers from this blog in the last paragraph, I’m talking to the right group of people. So here’s the formula: (drum roll please)
<Tools + Make-up = Skills>
What does this formula mean? It means that if you have incredible speed (tool) but not enough discipline (make-up) to practice, then you won’t develop the ability to steal bases (skill). It means if you have lightning bat speed (tool) but you don’t have the patience (make-up) to endure the monotony of repeating your swing a million times to develop bat control, then you won’t be able to consistently repeat your swing in competition (skill). You know what’s really cool about this formula? It doesn’t just apply to baseball. As it turns out, life kind of works the same way- go figure!
C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an area scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, CJ has more than 12 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J Stewart has a proven system of development and track record of success that can work for you.
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