“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” - John Maxwell I am a committed and disciplined person when it …
Why I do what I do
James A. Lovell once said, “Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.” Problems don’t just happen. People cause problems and problems are …
Why success leaves you clues
What batting average do you want to end the spring 2023 season with? How many home runs would you like to have? Did you know that it takes 3,000 reps to build a habit? There are seven parts to …
Finding your keys to success
Focus. Commitment. Discipline. These three things, I believe, are keys to success. Focus is the center of interest. Commitment is making a promise and keeping a promise, starting with yourself …
How would you rate your areas of strength?
It’s November, and that means my hitters already have put in the work this fall (August-October) to try new things. The time they find what works and what doesn't. From November-January, we will …
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Have you tried enough new things this fall? It’s not too late
This is my hitter’s final week of the Assessment Phase (August-October). During this time, we remain committed to trying new things to determine what works and what doesn’t.November-January is all …
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