You can’t develop skills when you are selfish and stupid. Here’s how I define selfish, stupidity and skills: Selfish is a person who lacks consideration for others. Stupidity is knowing what …
4 questions you need to ask your coach right now
As the spring season approaches, there are four questions you need to ask your coach right now: What is my specific role as a hitter on this team? What are your specific statistical …
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Why skills pay the bills
Skills pay the bills. What is a skill? Simply put, it's something that you do well repeatedly without thought under stress. In my blogs, I continue to reinforce the importance that having the right …
Why athleticism is not a four-letter word
Some coaches, scouts and fans refer to players as being athletic as if it’s a four-letter profane word. Athleticism is all about being able to think critically and respond quickly. Good athletes do …
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Under pressure – how to get things done in 2018
We all have an uneasy feeling when we have to do tough stuff. That uneasy feeling shows up in moments of stress and pressure. Under stress, you have that uneasy feeling because you don't have the …
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It’s a New Year – Time to get REAL
It’s the end of December and we're days away from a New Year. Is there any better time of year to reflect? I don't think so. As you reflect on what this year has offered, here's my advice for 2018. …