With a roster of well-known pro players on his training list, CJ is often asked what it's like working with the likes of Jason Heyward, Callix Crabbe and Tim Beckham. CJ, who works with amateurs as …
CJ Stewart’s proprietary training methodology delivers results
CJ Stewart's proven recipe for success is spelled A-T-B-A-T-S™. A: Assessment T: Training (Strength) B: Basics A: Approach and Attitude T: Training Drills S: Situational Hitting Assessment …
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CJ Stewart on his biggest challenge training pro & amateur athletes
Q: What's the biggest challenge that CJ Stewart faces as he works with both professional and amateur athletes? A: Being willing to accept that learning how to be a productive hitter (or any aspect …
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Practice makes permanent
Practice doesn't make perfect. To be perfect is to take a good swing 100% of the time or throw a strike 100% of time. In terms of playing a long baseball season, it is impossible to be …
The Formula
It's human nature to want quick fixes - a pill, a shot, a shake - something that requires little effort but delivers extraordinatry results. There are some things in life that will allow you to "just …